Staffing service |

Staffing service is not a new service but it is important for businesses to have a good understanding of this service and how best to cooperate with Staffing Agencies. 10 ways below will show you how to maximize your benefit from staffing agencies:

1) Be concise on needs
Be clear about what you want from a candidate. What will be their unique contribution to your company? Avoid ambiguity in your requirements. A good Staffing agency will help you do this.

2) Be decisive on candidates
Sort of Yes, No and maybe. Re-sort maybe into yes and no. Commit to moving a person on in the process or remove them from the process. Again, this is not the time to be wishy-washy.

3) Search is not sift
If you find a good person accept them. Don't wait for more candidates. You are searching for the right person, so compare against your ideal, not compare across candidates.

4) Teamwork
Understand that your search is a team effort between the Headhunter, the line manager (Decision Maker) and your HR department. All 3 need to work smoothly together and ideally should have met at least once in the search.

5) Be clear on lines of responsibility 
If it is everyone's responsibility then it is no ones responsibility. Assign decision making authorities in advance of the search. Be clear with your staffing agency in Vietnam what you expect.

6) Grant access to management team
Ideally, the headhunter should be able to meet with everyone who will work with your candidate. This enables them to match on company culture and personal motivations as well as skills and experience.

7) Show interest in the search
If you are sent a confidential report, read it. Don't outsource responsibility for filling the role to your headhunter. It is a team effort and they will work with you in making the best possible placements.

8) Give prompt and complete feedback
Part of showing interest is to give prompt feedback. Good candidates have options. If you take time to give feedback the best candidates may have moved on to other companies. Be as precise in your feedback as possible. Simply saying "not suitable" leaves the headhunter and the candidate guessing. Use rejected candidates to be more precise about what you are looking for.

9) Use one firm per job
Avoid confusion in the marketplace and with your candidates. Having two firms searching for one role sends all the wrong messages to candidates and can lead to damaging your relationship with the headhunter.

10) Make job offers quickly, clearly and in writing
Use your headhunter to come up with an offer that the candidate will accept. Make one clear offer and then put it in writing. Don't waste time on terms and conditions.

Source: Internet
Finally, before developing a hiring strategy, you will need to look at every angle and consider your company’s unique needs. As one of the leading staffing agencies in Vietnam, HRnavi knows exactly what struggles FDI businesses are facing. We can help you fill temporary, part-time, and long-term positions in any industry. Contact us today to find out more about our services.


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