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Tips for making the hiring process faster and get quality candidates

Everyone can benefit from a faster hiring process. Not only does it allow your company to get skilled candidates into a vacancy quickly, but it also ensures you don’t miss out on great candidates because of the length of the process

1) Nail the job description
If you want to make sure that the majority of job seekers who apply to the positions possess the right skills and experience to be successful, then you need a strong position description to focus on while you recruit. Typically, this involves analyzing what key competencies and characteristics are true priorities and concentrate your advertising accordingly.

2) Create an employee referral program
Your workers are often an untapped resource when it comes to finding top talent. Usually, they know other people working in their same field or industry and won’t likely recommend someone they aren’t comfortable being associated with, so encouraging them to refer qualified individuals can strengthen your talent pool.

Once you have a job description, make sure your employees know that you are seeking applicants. You can also sweeten the deal by offering a referral bonus, though that might not be necessary if your staff genuinely enjoy their work.

Encouraging your staffs to refer qualified individuals can strengthen your talent pool

3) Go mobile
A lot of people rely solely on their smartphones to go online, so it only makes sense that they are likely using one for their job search. However, if your application process isn’t mobile friendly, this means that some job seekers who spot your vacancy might not apply.

Having a mobile-friendly application process means you can reach a larger number of candidates, so make sure everything is easy to read on smaller screens and that they can complete the entire process without having to head to a computer.

Having a mobile-friendly application process means you can reach a larger number of candidates

4) Do a thorough prescreening
Typically, it’s best to eliminate unsuitable candidates from the process as soon as possible and, ideally, by using an automated process. If you use an applicant tracking system (ATS), make sure it is set to eliminate job seekers who don’t meet the core criteria. You can also add skills or aptitude test if it makes sense for the role, to help ascertain whether someone actually has the right mix of competencies to be successful.

5) Interview in stages
Often, the in-person interview portion of the process is the most cumbersome, so lowering the number of applicants that actually come in can speed things along. One method to determine which candidates have the most potential is to start with a quick phone interview and only schedule in-person meetings with those who truly shine.

6. Secure important information early
Many companies wait until the in-person interview stage to ask for certain documents or details, such as professionals references. But this isn’t the most efficient process, especially since having the information on-hand, even if you ultimately don’t need it, generally isn’t a burden.

Instead of waiting, consider asking for the information early in the process. For example, you could request them during the application or after skills tests are complete. If you conduct phone interviews before in-person meetings, consider asking for them before you end the call. By having them ready, you can make the necessary calls as soon as it is clear who the top candidates are, shaving precious time off of the process.

7) Work with a Staffing agency
If you feel the hiring process takes too much time, the effort to operate this process, you can work with Staffing agencies. They are focused solely on the recruitment and screening of job applicants, and their expertise can be a powerful resource when you want to speed up your hiring process. As one of the leading staffing agencies in Vietnam, HRnavi knows exactly what struggles FDI businesses are facing. We can help you fill temporary, part-time, and long-term positions in any industry. Contact us today to find out more about our services.


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